The Crypto Justice group (Ticker:CJ01) is a stake pool that endeavors to be as reliable, secure and profitable as possible while supporting our cause of sustainable Oceans. The pool is run as lean as possible with regards to energy consumption.

About The Operators
The Crypto Justice group is run and maintained by an engineer with 3 startups under his belt and a professional network-engineer building and maintaining multiple enterprise systems.
We enjoy suporting the environment, especially the Oceans as we like to spend as much of our free time on or near the ocean. As avid anglers we beleive in promoting systainable
fishing and preserving the habitat.
Staking for our Oceans.
Relays are used to keep the network healthy and hide the block producing nodes from the rest of the network (safety measure). Our block producing nodes only communicate with the relays mentioned below. Our block producer is isolated from all internet traffic and only communicates with our relays through a private subnet. To keep our stake pool healthy and responsive we have deployed four relays world wide.
- relays.cryptojustice.net
Tech stack per Relay
- 16 GB RAM
- 4 Core
- SSD powered
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- 24/7 Monitoring
- Realtime alerts
- 99.99% Uptime
- DDos protected
- Firewall protected
- Advanced network security and management
Contact Us Today for Staking or Pool Info Via this Email Form or Join our Telegram Group
An ada holder can earn ada (called rewards) by delegating their stake to a stake pool run by a stake pool operator (SPO), such as Crypto Justice Pool. Daedelus or Yoroi wallets can be staked to a pool by means of the pool’s ticker. The ticker symbol for Crypto Justice pool is CJ01.
The amount of stake delegated to a given stake pool is the primary way the Ouroboros protocol chooses who should add the next block to the blockchain, and receive a monetary reward for doing so.
The more stake is delegated to a stake pool (up to a certain point), the more likely it is to make the next block – and the rewards that it earns are shared between everyone who delegated their stake to that stake pool.
Staking Explained
Cardano Info
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Crypto and Energy
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Cardano Use Cases
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Delegation means that ADA holders delegate their stake in the form of ₳ to a stake pool.
It allows holders to participate in the Cardano Network and receive rewards in proportion to the amount staked.
If you delegated for the first time, it will take 15 - 20 days to get your first rewards.
When a user delegates in epoch X, the delegation will be recorded at the beginning of the next epoch X+1 and get active in epoch X+2.
In epoch X+3 the rewards of the previous epoch X+2 are calculated. Those rewards are distributed at the beginning of epoch X+4.
In the Cardano network an epoch is a measurement unit for time. Each epoch consists of a number of slots, where each slot lasts for one second. A Cardano epoch currently includes 432000 slots, which equals exact 5 days.
If you delegate for the first time, you will have to pay 2 ₳ for key deposit. This is required to register your stake address. If you choose to unstake later you will get the key deposit back.
The second fee of ~0.2 ₳ is for transaction costs. You will have to pay this amount for the first time and every time you decide to move to a different pool.
Basically there is no minimum amount of ₳ required to start delegating but you need to have at least the amount to pay for key deposit and transaction costs (check "Do I have to pay for staking?").
Some wallets require you to have at least 5 or 10 ₳.
Yes, your funds are safe as your ₳ stays in your wallet. You keep full control while they are staked and you can send / withdraw them at anytime (no locking).
This calculation uses fictional amounts of ₳.
Lets assume a pool gets 1k ₳ for every block minted and mints 10 blocks in a given epoch.
Active Stake: 10M ₳
Pledge: 100k ₳
Fixed costs: 340 ₳
Margin: 2%
This would result in a total of 10k ₳ in rewards.
- First, the declared fixed costs (340 ₳) are subtracted and given to the pool operator
- Next, the declared margin (2% of 9,660 ₳ = 193.2 ₳) is subtracted and given to the pool operator.
- Finally the remainder (9,466.8 ₳) is split fairly (proportional to delegated stake), amongst all people who delegated to the pool, including the pool owner (Pledge equals 1% of active stake = 94.668 ₳)
In this example the pool operator would get 627.868 ₳ and 9,372.132 ₳ would be split amongst the delegators.
Please refer to the official staking calculator: Staking calculator